I’m always looking for extra income to enhance my travels. This is literally the easiest, quickest, safest way I’ve found to do so, and there are spots open now.
If you have credit cards, and pay them off each month, not only are you really smart, but you can use them to generate passive income using this system of “credit sharing.” You may have some old credit cards that you don’t use much (what we travel hackers call “sock drawer” cards). Why not use them for some income with this easy online side gig?
OK, so…What is it? Credit Sharing!
It involves using authorized user slots on some of your credit cards. Long story short, when a person is added as an authorized user to someone’s credit card, they get all the credit history of that card on their personal credit report, meaning this can be used as a strategy to rapidly improve their credit score.
For example, if you had no credit history (and therefore a null credit score), but your Mom/Dad/Uncle/neighbor/whoever added you to a credit card that was 10 years old, you would immediately have 10 years of credit history. And your score would skyrocket, assuming the person who added you has made all their payments on time and has low credit utilization.

I added both of my daughters to my oldest credit card when they were quite young (I never gave them the card), to provide them with a good credit score before they got their own cards.
But what happens if you don’t know anybody who would be willing or able to add you? Are you out of luck? Nope. There are companies that facilitate the process. They charge a fee to the person who is looking to improve their credit score and pay a commission to the person (that’s us!) who adds the authorized user slot. Pretty simple. The company I work with is currently looking for more people who have good credit to sign up as credit sharers. This easy online side gig is specific to US credit card holders who have credit cards 2 or more years old, and good or better credit.
How it works for us, as “credit sharers”:
Credit sharers add authorized users to their credit cards online, and receive a commission for doing so. The authorized users never get the card – it comes to you. The authorized users don’t know anything at all about you, and there’s no way they can use or impact your credit. They cannot use your credit card! You’ll remove them about 6 weeks afterward.
Payouts vary based on how old your cards are, and their credit limits; I can tell you from experience that the payouts average $50 to $100 per authorized user added. I’ve been doing this for 2 years now and make around $300 to $400 per month. (Update 12-1-2020: now averaging $980/month; update 1-30-21: my February check will be $2140! I’m really excited!). I know that people are making more than triple that amount.
Can my credit be hurt by credit sharing?
Hold up, whats the risk here? Can my credit get hurt?
No…Absolutely not.

Why not…? This credit sharing relationship is a one way street. Anyone you add cannot affect your credit score in any way. They have no idea who you are, or anything about you; not your name, your city, your credit card number, nothing at all. And, the new cards are mailed to your own address, so this person never has access to them nor any way to use them. They only stay on as authorized users for 6-8 weeks. Repeat: They cannot use your credit card!
So, how do you get started?
All you have to do is hop over to www.bnbfinancials.com and sign up as a “card holder”. You’ll be asked who referred you (it’s by invite only), so list Suzanne McConaghy as the name. (As you get rolling with this, you can refer your friends.) Don’t worry if you’re asked for your SSN; BNB needs it for tax purposes…of course, they will generate a 1099 for you, because you’ll be making money – potentially lots of money – with this easy online side gig!
After you sign up, you’ll get an email with instructions. You’ll have to jump through a few hoops at first, such as adding info for the credit cards that you want to share (like date opened and credit limit – never your credit card number), and showing them a copy of your credit report***, but once you get things set up, the ongoing time commitment is close to zero.
***Surprisingly, your credit report does not show any credit card or loan numbers – something I did not realize before…
Frequently Asked Questions-
FAQ 1: Is this legal? Yes. No question about that. And, that’s why BNB needs to report your income to the IRS.
FAQ 2: Can this impact my credit? No…neither BNB Financials nor the Authorized Users know your credit card numbers. The Authorized Users don’t know anything about you, not your name, where you live, nothing at all, and cannot use your account.
FAQ 3: Which cards should I add? The older the card and the higher the credit limit, the better, in that it will earn you more money to use. Do not use any cards that you would be upset to lose. There is a small chance that the bank will not be happy and may close your account. But, consider this: credit card companies encourage holders to add Authorized Users, and often pay out bonuses to do so…so them closing a card, while possible, is unlikely. The risk is tiny, but you don’t want to chance it on a card you really care about. I keep opening new credit cards specifically for this gig!
FAQ 4: Is BNB financials legit? Absolutely (even though their website looks awful!). I tested a number of companies and these guys are the best. It’s a small company, and the people are kind, friendly, helpful, communicative, and informative. I’ve been working with BNB Financials for over three years now (update: 6 years as of 2024), and I am very satisfied with how they treat me and my friends who do this. They really care about those who work with them.
FAQ 5: How do I get started? First, go to www.BNBFinancials.com, and fill out the “Card Holder” info. Put Suzanne McConaghy as your contact. Then someone – probably Katie, who’s really nice – will get in touch with next steps.
FAQ 6: What’s the process once I’m active? You’ll get an email and a text when BNB has a person for you to add as an Authorized User. Go to your card’s app on your phone, or their website, to add their info, which takes 2 – 3 minutes. The new card will be mailed to you, and you activate it, then stick it in a drawer until you’re notified to remove the user. At that point, you reverse the process and take them off your account – this takes about 1 minute. Destroy the card. That’s it!
In Conclusion –
A great, easy, online side hustle that pays as much as a part time job, with no selling, no prospecting, no cost, in just a few minutes each month!? You can see that we, as credit sharers, have the easy part – we don’t have to find people who need this service; BNB does all the work. We simply have something they need – I was astonished that I had this valuable commodity sitting here going to waste…now I use it to put real money in my pocket each month!
Hop on over to BNBFinancials now, and fill out the Card Holders Sign Up form; you can thank me later…😉

Happy Side Hustling!
Fire away with any other questions!
Did you sign up for the newsletter yet? Find the yellow box at the bottom of the page. 💕

Currently averaging ~$2000 per month, for 10 minutes of time online. 🍾
Wow this is such great information….I have never heard of this before but will be looking more into now! Thanks for sharing!
My mind is blown. I have never heard of this! I have done it for my kids, but had no idea I could do it for side money!
Wow, I had no idea about credit sharing. That’s good to know that it can improve someone’s credit score by adding them to the old card you use!
Very interesting. I’ve never heard of credit sharing before. Glad it’s been a success for you!
I’m thinking well kept secret! I’ve not heard anyone else explain this.
Great info. I would be scared to try something like this. I’m so glad it works for you!
Hey, great write up on BNB. You helped me get started with this a year ago, and it’s going great. I want to open a new card for this – what’s your most lucrative card for this?
Whatever card you have the longest, with a high credit limit – those are the 2 most important factors.
This is fascinating! I’ve never heard of it before. I think I’m going to give it a try and see what happens. Thank you for sharing!
That’s excellent! Please let me know how it goes.
Great info.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Suzanne,
I will look into this…a bit scary…will definitely look into it. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
So interesting! I never heard of it before. Very intriguing.
Very interesting. I’d never heard of this before!
I’m a bit confused though. If you add someone as a credit sharer, and they don’t get access to the card or anything, then what do they actually benefit from
The benefit to them is that your history for that credit card (length of time it’s open, and its credit limit) is added to their credit report. This gives their score enough of a nudge so that they are able to open a card or get a loan on their own to build their credit further. Does that answer your question?
Wow, this is really fascinating. It’s strange how there isn’t a risk on the credit sharers side. I’d be a little nervous, but it doesn’t sound like I need to be given your experience. Thanks for sharing!
I didn’t know all this.
This is a great idea for earning money.
Wow – I have heard of credit sharing like you did with your kids, but not with strangers. I’m intrigued by the idea and will look into it more. Thanks for the info.
Right? Just be sure to go through a reputable company like the one I discuss here. Shoot me any questions that may come up!
This seems so easy! Thanks for the info, definitely going to check this out. Do they have min. credit score they like to see?
I believe they’re looking for scores of 700 and up. Hm, I’ll bet that’s an article people would enjoy – how to quickly raise your credit score…
In any case, please let me know when you check it out. Occasionally, they ask if I know a person I refer, so I like to try to keep track. Good luck!
I am hearing more and more about this. I would feel a bit nervous, but coming from you I would trust it. What an easy way to make a little money!
What an interesting concept. I must admit, it seems kind of scary to me. I appreciate your insight and testimony (and from a few others I saw in your comments!). I’ll have to look into it.
Question, you mention getting the new card, how then does the new authorized user benefit? Sorry, not understanding this part.
Hi Jill, I sent you an email answer – but including it here for others, as well.
Yes, the authorized users card comes to us, as credit sharers, NOT to them. (So, they cannot use the account.)
They do not need the card in order to benefit.
They benefit, because the information about the card (no card numbers are listed) goes to their credit report. Their credit report will list the card name, the opening date, and the credit limit. Note: the credit card NUMBER is NOT on their credit report (- or yours either, for that matter).
So – it LOOKS as though they have access to the card, but THEY DO NOT. It’s simply reported on their credit report. That’s how their credit benefits.
Does this answer your question? If not, please let me know (I love talking about this!)
I saw this about 2 months ago, and didn’t act on it. About a month ago, I signed up, and you’re right, the people there are so helpful, and I got 2 orders so far in March, for $200. How have I never heard of this before? THANK YOU! I’m going to take your advice and sign up for another card to use.n
That’s great! Now, you’re hooked! LOL.
Had never hears of this. Thabks for sharing, absolutely food for thought.
Wow. Interesting. Nice to know. I’ll be back…
This is great-I’m always looking for side hustles, and having an online gig is perfect. I’ve never heard of this before, but wanted you to know that I filled out the form; looking forward to getting started.
Wonderful, Dave! I’m excited for you – you’re going to love it! Please keep me informed, and of course, I’m glad to answer any questions you may have going forward.
I didn’t even know this was a thing!
Interesting idea for passive income. I’m guessing this is only for US residents?
Yes, it’s for US citizens.
This sounds so great! I wish I had good enough credit to do this!
Interesting concept!
I have done this with my mortgage clients. Glad to see there are legitimate businesses offering it for people who do not have family to help.
Wow! I have never heard of this before. Interesting concept.
This is such an interesting side hustle! I’ll have to look into it some more!
Wow! I wonder if this service exists in Canada? Or does this company deal with Canadian accounts? I have a US credit card… maybe I should see if that would work? Would love to make a little extra passive income for travel!
I normally say it’s for US citizens – but I’m unsure if the US credit card would make a difference…I’ll find out for you. It’s been a great thing for me.
This is an interesting concept to earn passive income. So many unique side hustles out there to help save money for travel.
Credit sharing is a new concept to me. Very interesting. Though, I am not sure I fully understand. I need to re-read this and see if this would be helpful for my kids.
I’d be glad to discuss further if you need some questions answered. It definitely helped establish credit for my younger daughter –
Always love learning about a good side hustle! Thanks for the idea and explanation of how it works. Will definitely be trying this out! 🙂
Good for you! Let me know how it goes.
I have never heard of doing this. Crazy, the different avenues for making money that are out there.
I’ve never heard of this before. I’m so glad to learn about credit sharing. I’m definitely going to look into doing this!
Good for you! Let me know how it goes –
Interesting concept.
So interesting! I’ve never hear of this before!
Thanks for the tip!!
Interesting premise. Wondering how it actually works on the other end.
The customer who pays BNB to boost their credit stays on the card for ~2 credit reporting cycles, and then is able to obtain a credit card of their own, or a loan, and is able to get started building their own credit. Adding them as an AU gives just enough of a nudge to get them over the initial hurdle.
I had no idea about credit share, great concept!
I had no idea this was something that could be done! So interesting. I can see this being useful if I want to help out a family member who needs a credit boost too. Thank you for sharing.
This is crazy! In a cool way. I had no idea this was even a thing. It might be different in Canada? But really cool to know.
Thanks, Suz! I signed up, and am working with Katie to get going – so excited,!!
That’s great.. How’s it going now?
Made $100 in November!
Awesome! Fun, right??! I predict you’re going to be like me, and open new cards specifically for this gig! That’s how to grow your monthly income. I started out at $50-$100 per month for a long time; I’m averaging well over $1500/month at this point, because I have a lot of cards to use for it.
I admire the way you do it! We do not use credit cards though. Debit only.
What an interesting concept!
Such an interesting concept!
Informative & helpful!
Interesting way to earn money. Thank you.
Such a great post. I’m always looking for new ways to make a little extra cash!
This is fascinating. I’m going to share it with my husband and see if he’s game.
Wonder if this works in Canada as well? Would be happy to help out my kids at the very least.
BNB Financials only works with US citizens – sorry…
Good info!
Interesting. I think I would be scared to do that. I’m glad it works for those that do it!!
I’ve never heard of this before, thanks for sharing. It is such an interesting concept!
I’ve never heard of that before. What an interesting concept.
That is very interesting, I’ve never heard of that! That is an interesting way to make some extra $$.
It’s amazing the things that are big biz that I never would’ve thtot of. Lol
This is such an interesting concept. Thanks for sharing and encouraging us to look creatively at things.
I have never heard of this! How incredibly interesting… I may have to take a look!
I never knew about this before! Great way to make money and also help your children to build credit!
How young did you add your own children to your cards? I am interested in doing this for my children.
Generally, kids need to be at least 13. Some banks require 18.
Awesome, I think I will be doing this soon!
I did that with my son before he was killed.
This is an interesting way to earn income
Great idea!
I never thought of adding the kids when they are young. What a great idea.
very interesting!
Never heard of this before.Learnt something new today.
This is amazing! How have I never heard of this? I’ll definitely need to consider this!
I can’t believe you make $300-400 a month doing this. That’s impressive. It seems risky to me, but that’s because I’m nervous about doing anything with my credit cards lol. But that’s a lot of passive income each month!
I can’t believe it either! For the small effort. I know people that are making 2 and 3x as much as this.
I did this for my kids, but didn’t know you could turn it into income. Now my kids early 20s have excellent credit ratings and able to get their own.
Laura, that’s wonderful! It’s an excellent strategy for helping young people.
Wow, definitely need to look into this! Always down for a solid side hustle.
wow! I learned something new! Very interesting! Thank you!
i’ve always considered myself pretty credit savvy, but this information was new to me!
I have never heard of anything like this. Wow. That is very interesting. Thanks for the great information.
Wow I had never heard of this! What a unique way to earn a little side cash!
This is a great way to make a little extra cash!
This is a very interesting side hustle. I will have to look into this more closely. Thanks for sharing.
What an easy and interesting way to generate passive income.
I’ve never heard of this before. Would this be applicable to Canadians?
This is for US citizens; sorry!
I have never heard of this before! Very interesting!
I have never heard of this but am intrigued. I am going to bookmark this idea and seriously consider it. Thank you so much for the suggestion.
Good. I know there’s been good availability for this since May, and someone else was just accepted, so the opportunity is still there.
This is quite the unique side hustle! Is there any hassles or hoops you need to jump through when getting started? Also, I’ve heard it may not work as well for those who use the credit card hack of cycling cards for their current benefit offerings?
Tiffany, it’s fantastic for CC hackers (like me)…once you’ve earned the SUB, many of the cards go into the “sock drawer”. Since it’s not a great habit to cancel cards, which can decrease your credit score, they wind up being un-used. This is a GREAT use for those cards!
To start, you need to provide some info on your credit cards…just the type of card, the age of the card, and the credit limit on the card (never your CC number, of course). This info comes from a credit report that you provide (very important to note that your name, address, SSN, credit card numbers, and other sensitive personal info is NOT on your credit report – which surprised me!).
I’ve never heard of this before. Do all cards offer this type of transaction?
Hi Roejean, most cards do allow Authorized Users. Some even give you bonus points for adding them!
This is really interesting! I never heard of this before, maybe I’ll have to try it. It sounds easy enough! Thanks!
Extremely easy, and great income for doing very little.
Interesting. We no longer use credit cards but sounds like a good gig for those who do.
OK, I have NEVER heard of this before – and we’re fairly credit savvy. Why don’t more people (with good credit) do it? Extra money to travel?? Yes, please!!
I’m with you! I was stunned to learn of this. Most people don’t do it, because they’ve never heard of it, I guess.
Let me know how it goes; I’d be glad to help, if needed.
Very interesting! I haven’t heard about this before, but I will definitely be looking into it.
Great! Let me know if you have any questions for me.
I never knew this existed! I may even give it a try 🙂
Good for you! Let me know how it goes.
Pretty interesting. Never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing.
Well this is an interesting concept! I don’t have credit cards though. I use debit cards and cash.
After being in the side hustle world the last almost 7 years plus, I have never heard of this. I am super leery of it but I do trust you and your experience. I have great credit but not a lot. I wonder if it is too early to give it a try.
Traci, I completely understand. I also was quite skeptical myself. Let’s think about this: How many cards do you have, and when did you get them?
This sounds interesting I can really use this information because I need some extra money and don’t have time for a second job.
Interesting I have never heard of this. How does one get involved that’s trying to build their credit? Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mechi, If a person has no or little credit, they need a credit “boost”. That’s different than having bad credit, in which case, credit “repair” is needed. In either case, you could call BNB Financials during business hours to see if they could help. The number is: 1-814-898-1991. If they want to know who referred you, it’s Suzanne McConaghy.
This is good to know. Although most of my concerns were covvered in the post, I don’t know if this is the side hustle for me. However, this is very useful information that will be of benefit to my son.
Your article was interesting, however I think a better title might be Cool Side Hustle to fuel your travel dreams. I like the information, but I came to your site expecting some place you have traveled or information about travel.
Thank you, very helpful!
Great post! I had heard about this before but was worried if it would affect me somehow. Thanks for ending those worries.
I’ve never heard of this before. I’m not sure that I am old enough to be actually have any useful credit for anybody, but maybe in another decade or so. My husband and I are really working on making some passive income and we’re slowly making progress on that.
Hm, that’s really interesting. I’ve never heard of that before. I’ll definitely have to look into it. Thanks!
Great; let me know if you have any questions.
The fact that many have never heard of this is what makes this such a great opportunity right now; I checked this morning, and there is still some availability if you’re interested. Click here for a short video that explains many things: https://www.bnbfinancials.com/Recruiting.aspx
Watch it! If you have any questions after seeing it, I’d be glad to field them. There’s also a phone number at the end of the video that you can call for more info. Remember to say that you were referred by Suzanne McConaghy.
And, if you liked it, you can watch the longer video…it covers the same things, in more depth. It’s by the owner of BNB Financials, Mike, and at first it seems more like a home movie (he’s not a great speaker), but has lots of detailed info: https://www.bnbfinancials.com/RecruitL.aspx
This is news to me. Had no idea.
Interesting concept!
I’ve never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing.
Very interesting. Do you have to be a US resident? I have never heard of this before. Being suspicious by nature, I’m wondering, there must be a negative in there somewhere??
Hi Marianne,
I haven’t found a negative yet…and, being a former Medical Research Scientist, I am also cautious of things like this!
Here’s a link to a 3 minute video that explains it: https://www.bnbfinancials.com/Recruiting.aspx
As for whether you need to be a U.S. citizen, that’s a good one…I called and asked, and will let you know ASAP.
You do have to be a US Citizen.
I have never heard of such a thing. Interesting….
Interesting! I’d never heard of this. I may have to think about it.
Very interesting! It sounds a bit fishy, but it sounds like it’s working for many.
OK, I did it; got the welcome email from Mike. I ran my credit report for them, and I was surprised to note that, as you say, there are no credit card numbers on the credit report–I had no idea. The recruiting video on their website was great too. Any other suggestions while I’m waiting for the welcome call?
PS – I was surprised to see that BNB is in Erie, PA, near where I live!
Thanks, I’m excited to get started!
That’s great, Dave! I hope you get as much out of it as I do.
I forgot about the recruiting video…that would be a good idea to post a link on the post, wouldn’t it?
Definitely interesting: who doesn’t want a passive side income? but it sort of sounds like the “too good to be true” category. What are the downsides? Does the person you add as a user ever actually use the account?
Hi Linda,
I agree! It seemed too good to be true to me too, but a trusted acquaintance told me about it a couple of years ago, and I have not yet found a downside. I really like it!
No, the user cannot use the account; they never get the card (it goes to you) or any information at all about the card or you.
It’s like magic!
Let me know if you have any other questions, before or after you sign up.
Great idea!
I would be a little nervous if they mess up my credit! It does sounds nice to make that much extra every month though.
I love it! It’s so easy. There’s no way that I can see how it would be possible for my credit to be messed up…neither the company nor the Authorized Users have any credit card numbers, etc. BNB collects your SSN, because they pay you and need to generate a 1099 at the end of the year. They look at your credit report (which does not list cc numbers); that’s about it!
That generates a question… How does this affect your taxes? How do you report it?
Absolutely! They send you a 1099 each year.
Fascinating concept.. looks like a good way to make a few extra dollars!
This is interesting…I’ve never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing!
This sounds very interesting – might have to look into this a bit! Looks like nice extra money to have on hand!
I had never heard of this. Interesting concept.
Wow, I had no idea you could do something like this!
You can, and it’s so easy!! Let me know how it works out for you.
Hmmm… this is really interesting? Thank you.
You are most welcomed, Yvette; I’d enjoy hearing your experience when you sign up. There is a little urgency here, as there isn’t always availability…but there is now.