I cringe every time I fly in a circulated-air, confined-space airplane or a well-used train. But…I’m not going to stop traveling, so I have to deal with it. I have never gotten sick, not even a cold, due to travel (and, I flew home from Europe on March 14, as the pandemic started…yikes!).
Wondering where US citizens can travel at the moment? Here’s some info…
Here are 5 precautions I take whenever I use public transportation:
1. Wipe Down your Area
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I use individual packs of antibacterial wipes a lot; I’ve always used them on airplanes, and I’m using them much more lately, in daily life, due to Covid-19 (after being in a store, or pumping gas, for instance).
It’s easy to carry a bunch of these in your backpack, purse, or carry-on when you travel, or every day. On a plane, I wipe the tray table (including the little locking tab), the touch-screen movie screen, the arm rests, the seat belt buckle, the back of the seat in front of me (and down into the seat pocket in front of me – eeeuw…), and even my whole seat if I’m feeling really ambitious!
Antibacterial Wipes…Individual Packs or Packs of 20 Wipes.
(BTW, if you’ve ever been in rural areas of some countries, you’ll be glad you have these when going to the restroom!)
2. Sleep!!

Keep your immune system, and the rest of you, healthy by getting plenty of sleep. Often before a trip, I can’t sleep at all! I usually pack my neck pillow and sit by the window so I can lean against the wall and try to snooze. Usually, airlines will give you a mask and earplugs; this neck pillow includes a mask and earplugs of your very own.
3. Don’t Just Sit There
Blood clots can form if you sit for too long. If a clot forms in your legs, it can break off and wind up in your lungs or your brain. Understatement: No one needs this! Blood clots can form in a perfectly healthy person during a long flight or ride.
I do my best to walk around once an hour on a flight. You can move your ankles and feet to keep the blood flowing even if you don’t get up. I use compression socks on flights over 6 hours, generally because I try to sleep. I started using them after my feet and legs swelled incredibly during a 16+ hour flight to South Africa.
You can get some types at your local drug store, but these are highly recommended, and you can get whatever size you’d like.
4. Hydrate
On a recent flight, the attendants told me that they are advised to drink one quart of water every hour on a long flight. That’s a lot of water! The recirculated airplane air is very dry, and that’s why people often get sick. “They” say to skip the alcohol, but I like my alcohol! I pack a water bottle in my carry on and fill it with water after security at the airport. And, if you’re a travel hacker like me, fill it again before leaving the airport lounge. Drink whenever you can whilst traveling; this will also help with Point #3, above, because you’ll have to get up to use the restroom, LOL. It’s good to begin drinking extra water a week before your trip, particularly if you are traveling to a higher altitude than you’re used to.
5. Boost Your Immune System

Also about a week before travel, start increasing your vitamin C intake. Emergen-C Powder Packets are easy to use in your water bottle, and whilst you’re away from home.
(Here’s a funny video about our immune systems.)
6. Face Masks

We’ll need to use face masks for public transport for a while to come…especially in airports.
7. Stress + Anxiety Weakens your Immune System!
It’s sort of an oxymoron: of course we get stressed or anxious when traveling. Here are some travel cartoons that might brighten your mood: cartoons
8. Travel in Style
It never, ever hurts to be comfortable, be prepared, and to look great while you travel. Here are some fabulous travel items for yourself, or ideas if you need a gift for a travel enthusiast.
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What did I forget to mention? Do you have any other tips for me? Please comment below…
Great tips! It’s hard to just sit for long periods of time as I get restless, so it’s nice to say I’m moving around for my health, ha!