Welcome to TWS – Happy Solo Travel Expert 😊

I am so glad you’re here!…

See this delighted face? That’s me having a blast in Morocco; and that’s how I feel about you showing up to read my destination articles – and everything else! 🥰 If you love to travel, or would like to, stay tuned.

Suz with a group of camels, in Morocco.

Are you interested in travel? Side hustles? Travel hacking (low-cost travel)? Luxury Travel? Credit cards for miles and points? Whatever your interest, please chime in with comments and ideas.

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  1. Hi there,

    For business owners, there are a near endless number of tasks to manage. Especially when you’re first starting out, it can be difficult to gauge which fires are real fires and which can wait.

    One thing I’ve noticed is that most successful business owners recognize that business expense problems are always “real fires.” They understand that cash flow and inventory management issues can’t wait and recognize that tax preparation is something that happens year round.

    Can I write an article for your site on the topic? The piece will offer advice to new business owners on how they can be smart about managing their business expenses. The article is free, will be completely original, and will promote your website.

    Please let me know what you think.

    Thank you!
    Jim McKinley / moneywithjim.org

    **Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re interested in a piece but would prefer one on a different subject. Alternatively, if you ever decide that you no longer wish to receive emails from me, just let me know.

  2. Hi Suz, I’m a member of the over 50 Woman’s travel club on FB – a great group!! Wondering, so I am the President of Celtic Tours. While I would not post any tours or sell on that site, wondering how you select your destinations and if you would like to consider putting a group to Ireland together. I would love to help. Please feel free to reach out to me at kathyc@celtictours.com if you are ever looking. Cheers!

  3. Hello, I am a new cruise travel agent who specializes in women’s solo and group travel. I have been on over 30 cruises, 20 of them solo. I would love information about advertising on your Facebook group.

  4. Hi Suz
    I am from Australia and am keen on the trip to Turkey .
    How can o get more info please

  5. Hi,

    I’m inquiring about the possibility of contributing a guest article on a significant subject for your website. The proposed topic revolves around imparting financial literacy to children.

    As per statistics (https://www.possiblefinance.com/blog/financial-literacy-statistics/), only one-third of adults claim to possess a grasp of fundamental financial concepts. I aim to address this issue by advocating for the importance of instilling financial education in young individuals.

    Kindly let me know if you’re interested and if my proposed content could earn a spot on your site as a guest post.

    Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

    Angelo Saris

    P.S. I’m very much open to your topic ideas, and if you’d like to request one that’s a higher priority for you. However, I’d also understand if you don’t want to receive any further emails from me. Please let me know if that’s the case.

  6. Newly divorced and looking to connect with women around my age who like to travel. Italy 🇮🇹 trip and Greece 🇬🇷 are 2 of my top places to visit.

  7. Hi Suz,
    May I please receive information about the Italy 2025?

    Also, how do I receive your news letter?

    Kind regards,
    Michelle Reese

  8. As the festive season approaches, it’s crucial for your tours and travel business to maximize its online presence. After reviewing your website, I noticed it’s not generating the traffic it deserves, which could mean missing out on potential customers during this peak time.

    Now is the perfect opportunity to optimize your website! By enhancing its visibility and performance, you can attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers. Our team specializes in tailored optimization strategies that can help you

  9. Hello again,
    I wanted to check in regarding the guest article idea we discussed previously about advice on managing finances during periods of unemployment, which I believe is a crucial topic. This is a subject I’m passionate about, and I’d love to write about it for your audience.
    If you’re interested in proceeding with this opportunity, I’m ready to begin drafting an article tailored to your site’s tone and preferences.
    Thank you!
    Lucy Reed | Gigmine.co

    P.S. I’d understand if you’d rather not hear from me again, and just please let me know. However, if my guest article proposal interests you, please let me know of any guidelines, topic preferences, and special requests.

  10. Hi Suz – please send me the detailed information about the Spring 2025 Italy trip. I saw the notice on your Facebook group but couldn’t find the link to the trip info. Thank you!

  11. ¡Hola! He querido escribirte porque veo una excelente oportunidad para que tu empresa sea el foco de una *entrevista* que tengo en mente que podríamos realizar.

    Esta entrevista no sólo sería una conversación enriquecedora, sino que además, *se publicaría en decenas de medios* y periódicos de gran reputación. Como beneficio adicional, enlazaremos tu sitio web en la entrevista, lo cual ayudará a mejorar su posicionamiento. El hecho de que aparezcas en una entrevista en medios confiables contribuirá a generar más confianza en tu negocio.

    ¿Sería posible que me dieras un *número de teléfono* para discutir los detalles? Gracias.

  12. ¡Hola! Me llamo Laura y estoy encantada de saludarte.
    Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en *periódicos digitales como noticia* para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet, es decir, con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran.
    La noticia es publicada por más de sesenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el *posicionamiento de tu web* y la reputación.

    ¿Podrías facilitarme un teléfono para ofrecerte *hasta dos meses gratuitos*?

  13. Hola. ¿Cómo estás? Soy Alberto del Departamento de Prensa. Muchas gracias por atenderme.

    He pensado que podría interesarte cómo podemos hacer que tu empresa aparezca en más de 50 periódicos digitales como noticia (No será un anuncio) por una única cuota al mes sin permanencia. Las noticias no se borrarán

    Periódicos de gran autoridad mencionarán la web de tu empresa para lograr una mejor reputación y posicionamiento web.

    Este servicio incluye tanto la redacción de la noticia como el análisis de las palabras clave.

    Si pudieras proporcionarme un teléfono, me encantaría programar una llamada para hablar contigo, resolver cualquier duda sin compromiso y explicar cómo puedes disfrutar del *mes gratuito* sin permanencia.

    ¡Muchas gracias!

  14. Hi Suz! I’m looking forward to reading your tips/advice on funding solo travels. Talk soon, thanks! (I’m still working on my official email address via Constant Contact. 🙂 )

    1. Hiya Lorie – love your blog! I enjoyed your side gig post, and put a link in my comment there, to my favorite side gig idea. Looking forward to getting to know you.

  15. Hi Suz – just wanted to say that your website is great! Your photos, and the places youve been are wonderful; I’m impressed.
    I’m hoping to start traveling solo, so am following closely. I see you went to the beach in Punta Cana this month – that doesn’t seem like your typical trip.

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy. No, all-inclusives really aren’t my thing, because I prefer interacting with the local people and getting to know an area more intimately. But – I snapped, and just had to have a beach vacation!

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